As you are already probably aware, Wirral Borough Council is in a dire financial situation. They need to make huge savings in order to balance their books. They have come up with suggestions to claw back money. Some of these proposals include the closure of libraries, sports centres and public golf courses, as well as a reduction or cessation of the maintenance of several green spaces across the borough.
Our Liberal Democrat Councillor Allan Brame has brought this to our attention, as " The Arno and Oxton Fields ........are to be included in the proposal to significantly increase cessation of maintenance of amenity green space, including up to 10-15 Local parks/recreation grounds, and highway verges."
This poses a real threat to the future of the Arno and Oxton Fields.
If you want to object to these plans and show us your support, please sign the petition. You can either go to Wirral Liberal Democrats Save The Arno & Oxton Fields and submit your support online, or click on the link below to find a form which you can collect signatures on and put in the post.
All signatures must be submitted before the 20th February 2022.
Click on the link below ( which will open in a new window )