This coming Saturday 1st March is our usual morning chance for volunteers to meet at 10am in the Rose Garden to carry out jobs to keep your community green space looking good. At the moment we are busy preparing 4 rose beds to be re-planted with new roses in a couple of weeks' time. Also, we are weeding four rose beds that were re-planted last November. Then all 8 beds can be under planted to suppress weeds and benefit both pollinators, as well as the health of the roses.
All the new roses, as well as the perennials for under planting are purchased or propagated by the Friends of the Arno and Oxton Fields. In order to be able to carry out this work we really do need your help and support.
You DO NOT have to be a gardening volunteer to support us. We raise our funds through membership fees, donations and from plant sales. For less than the price of a cup of coffee and a cake you can become a paid up member and show your support.
Just £5 for an individual, or £7.50 for a household each year will help us to continue our work. You're just a few clicks away from becoming a's that simple , but makes a huge difference to us in continuing these projects in the rose garden.