Since 23rd March we have been in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic. This has meant that council gardeners cannot mow the lawns in any areas except cemeteries. We have all been told to only venture outside for daily exercise or to get food or medicines. The long border has been left to fend for itself, but we have noticed that some of last year's dead stems are actually acting as supports for this year's growth to push through. Many locals are still using the Rose Garden for their daily walk, joggers doing laps of the rose beds, as well as many dog owners giving their canine companions some much needed fresh air.

Blue tits have been sighted using some of the nesting boxes which John Booth and John Hall had alreday set up last year. Keeping to the 2 metres rule for social distancing, our Secretary Peter and John Booth have continued to prune the roses, which they wanted to complete before the end of March. We are striving to make improvements to the Rose Garden, not just for us humans, but for the wildlife too. With this in mind, John Booth had built a bat box. With the help of his son Phil and Peter, they installed the bat box high up in one of the mature trees. Quite a task as it is a substantial structure and needed to be very securely attached.
We hope you are all staying safe and that it won't be too long until we can all resume some kind of normality in these difficult times. We miss meeting you and chatting while our volunteers are gardening in the Rose Garden. Please enjoy your exercise in and around the Rose Garden, quarry and Oxton Fields. We are happy for dogs to be off lead in the quarry area and on the oxton Fields, but would appreciate it if you could keep their leads on whilst in the more formal Rose Garden.
Although we are not meant to stop and sit, perhaps you can keep a look out and see if you can spot any birds nesting in our boxes. See you soon and look after each other.