Monday, 6 July 2015

New roses all abloom.

The new roses that the Friends planted as bare root bushes earlier this year are looking vibrant and healthy. The yellow Arthur Bell roses on the left bed have a wonderful strong perfume, making it a real pleasure to weed among them.
In the background you can also see the other two main beds which we planted up at the same time. In the foreground one of the newly planted circular beds can also be seen flowering .

Looking from the other side of the Rose Garden across towards the long border, you can see the Margaret Merrill white roses and the Little Princess pink roses. They are on the shadier side of the garden and are a little behind. These pictures were taken during the dry spell. Hopefully some heavy showers will do them all good.
Work has already begun on preparing some triangular beds for replanting this coming November with money kindly donated to our Rose Appeal.